Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Tali In Portrait.

I was out today taking photos of Raani as she's 9 months old today, but I got some really good portrait style ones of Tali too. It seemed a pity not to share them, so here they are.


batmandy said...

great pic`s very wolfie

Martin said...

Thank you. Glad you like them. The breeders website can be found at if you're interested in finding out more about the breed.

Tali is more wolf-like in behavior and has the wolfie amber eyes, but the younger girl Raani is generally more wolf-like in appearance.

Shaun Ellis, TV's 'Wolfman' has recently bought two pups from Cry Wolf to use as part of a children's educational programme. The fact that he chose Cry Wolf confirmed what I knew all along - that I fell lucky when choosing which breeder to buy from.